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Worlds aren’t born.
They’re built.


Visualization. Storytelling. UX Design.
Synthesized into the expression of a new world.
This world-building synthesis is called panoptic design.

I’m Ryan Moeck and this is how I work.

*All artwork and design by me unless otherwise noted


Panoptic Design


Visual language and mood


Why the user should care

ux Design

Sense of progression and delight


Visualization. Storytelling. UX Design. On the surface, these may seem like three separate disciplines. But SivaSomaZero is a place where they all go hand-in-hand from the same part of the brain. With little difference between the thought processes and executions, these three are synthesized into the expression of a new world. This synthesis is called panoptic design.

Have you ever seen a movie that looked beautiful but had no substance? Or a game with a great concept, but poor execution? The most successful films, games, products and services usually stem from competent panoptic design. We are constantly creating worlds to be experienced on screen, in a game, in a book, and even in new product or service launches. These three disciplines are critical because…

Visualization, storytelling, and UX design answer the same three questions:

  1. What does it look like?

  2. Why should I care?

  3. What does it feel like?


If these questions are appropriately answered, people will engage on an emotional level.

This applies to product and software design as well as game and film.


Each discipline feeds the other.

There is no set order for this development. Each discipline feeds off the other and can begin anywhere. A wild visualization can inspire a unique story that writes itself. Likewise a story can require a specific interaction mechanic that in turn feeds a unique visualization. The permutations are endless.




Three Disciplines. One Designer.

Contrary to popular belief, panoptic design does not require three distinct individuals with three separate skill sets. The activities and results are similar enough in my head that I seamlessly move between them. I have come to learn that the more versed the designer in these three disciplines, the more effective, coherent, and well-considered the final product.


world building: Visualization

What does it look like?

This is typically the first question we subconsciously ask anytime we encounter something new. Some dwell on it while others may barely notice, but everyone asks the question. Why? Because visualization informs everything else that happens. It differentiates. It describes the mood. It tells a story and suggests how it should be used or applied.


world building: Storytelling

Why should I care?

Storytelling is more than words on a page or sequential art. It can happen in a single image, or even a product, button, or hover animation. It is the essence of why the user should care. Storytelling is critical in every part of a project from pre-production and getting buyoff to selling the finished product. It guides the visual and gives context to the experience which enhances it if well done.


Storytelling can happen in an image without a single word, and even without context.


In telling the story of the indomitable Jeep battling an unconquerable landscape, I isolated both what makes Jeep owners so unique and why it is such a desirable vehicle for the adventurous.


I told the story of the future of connectivity in the automotive space for an exclusive C-suite meeting at Toyota.


I crafted a narrative for J.Crew demonstrating what it means to be the most personal of personal stylists to both increase sales and generate brand loyalty.


I used narrative to illustrate how a wearable navigation system could help firefighters and others in low-vision situations.


I wove a solvable mystery story into an otherwise-boring ethics training at Microsoft.


world building: UX Design

What does it feel like?

This is the art of considering whether each touchpoint of the user experience is intuitive and delightful. Often it is considered exclusive to the realm of product or screen design. However, it is absolutely crucial to the panoptic design process. Like Siamese triplets, it is mixed, wrapped, intertwined, and conjoined with visual and story for a well-crafted new world. For example how does the user feel when a certain color is used? Do visuals such as color and texture elicit the desired emotional response?


I helped define the fundamental physics, metaphors, and interactions of Magic Leap’s new Mixed Reality OS.


I helped design an online community to support underprivileged students in Africa by enabling them to define their goals and access resources more easily than ever before. 


I worked on designing a modular system to generate custom enterprise resource planning (ERP) applications for businesses.


I peered into the future of automobility at IDEO.


I designed the future of energy and food conservation in the kitchen.


 Panoptic Design

Visualization. Storytelling. UX Design.
All three united for competent world building.
