The Sequence
Original IP Development
The Sequence is an original IP that combines auto racing with the rich universe and strategic planning of an RPG and the action of a first-person shooter. Players may join one of three factions:
Legendarion, Draketosser, or Palejumper.
Racing Faction 02
Team Draketosser
Team Draketosser is slowly carving out a name for themselves with old school tried and true racing principles. Although they have a large R&D budget, this team is more focused on leveraging what has worked in the past and focusing on driver tactics rather than juicing the tech.
Character & Tone
Graduated Lines
Graduated Lines celebrates the contrast of thick and thin, straight and curved. Bold, lengthy stripes play off of short ultra thin marks. Lines typically run north and south and feature abrupt directional changes and generously rounded corners.
Futura Condensed
The bold, vertical letterforms of Futura Bold Condensed create a strong graphic pattern when combined with linear accents of varying thickness and curve.
Extra Bold
Logo / Color Palette
The logo and branding encapsulate the essence of the faction's visual style.
Basic Geometry
The thick and thin complexity translates to the overall geometric forms with large flat surfaces and large bevel radii. Graphic elements are applied to overarching sections creating a seamless graphic from far away.
Realized Composition
Signature Moments: Environment
The mood established by the graphic exercises above inform the visual development of all touchpoints within the faction.
Research Facility Concepts
Racetrack Concepts
Realized Composition
Signature Moments: Characters
Teams race with a handpicked crew consisting of three character archetypes: Pilots, Protectors, and Navigators. Each character has necessary skills that are enhanced or diminished by the vehicle and its cargo, which heavily influence the outcome.
Graduated Lines implies exaggerated character silhouettes with soft, squared forms.
Pilots lead the crews and are the main attraction of Sequence races. A good pilot can make an average vehicle or crew exceptional, and vice versa. They are unarmed and focus solely on racing.
Protectors are the muscle of Sequence races. Hired guns who ensure safe passage, they are necessary when precious cargo is on board. They carry both heavy hand weapons and backpack-deployed ordnance.
It’s hard to get anywhere without a good Navigator, who are experts not only at wayfinding, but at trajectories and logistics. Navigators are critical for plotting the most efficient course to the finish line.
Realized Composition
Signature Moments: Vehicles
Graduated Lines dictate round, bold forms that manifest in the livery as well as all hard surface forms, even down to the outlandish wheel structures.