The Genesis Eye
Digital Artifact Design
The Genesis Eye
Digital Artifact Design
Project Leadership
Visual Development
Hard Surface Design
In the Divine City, I felt that tech should be visually elegant and mostly invisible. Functionality is hidden from the user. Empowered by magic, it just “works.” And because the Genesis Eye was the magical device connecting users to the Librarium, I thought it might be interesting if the device was like a monocle. Perhaps a user could hold it up like a looking glass and see the Librarium, or even text of the stories.
It also needed to reflect the 16 Genesis Orders of Loot, have both light and dark versions, and have both a powered on and off state.
Final dark base
Final dark base powered ON
Final light base
Final light base powered ON
Initially I explored dozens of form factors based on a myriad of ideas ranging from all-seeing eyes to stained glass windows to intricate geometric patterns; each telling its own unique origin story.